Witnessing something different


#ceritaahadlalu: I was happy to get an opportunity to be involved in a closed religious forum on Faraid which took place at Al Mukminin Mosque. It was a forum to help around 100 participants understand the Syariah’s way of estate planning based on Faraid.  

The 4 hour long forum was extra special because my wife volunteered to organize this event. She has been busy planning this forum for the past 6 months, together with 20 other committee members from 2 mosques.  It was nice to see her work on something completely different that benefits the community. 

As a forum moderator of the event, I myself have learnt so much about Faraid and the importance of making simple preparations with regards to wealth management before we leave this world.

(Also in Photo: Al Hafiz Ustaz Firdaus Yahya, Sadali Rasban & Ustaz Fahkrur Radzi Md Noor)

