video enrichment course

Book Trailer Workshop

I'm conducting a Book Trailer workshop for student and adults. This is a video-making workshop that will equip you with the skills you need to produce a short video trailer to promote your book (or any product you have in mind). Suitable for business owners, teachers, authors, publishers and video enthusiasts. 



19 February 2017, Sunday (1st session)

25 February 2017, Saturday (2nd session)

Time: 9:30am to 4:30pm


SGD65 for Students, click here to purchase a seat:

SGD80 for Adults, click here to purchase a seat: 

You can also opt to transfer via POSB ATM account 085-81581-4 (Do email or PM me once you have done the transfer.)

Venue: Bukit Merah Library (Singapore) - Radin Mas Hall

All are welcome :) The workshop will be conducted in English. Please bring your own recording device (phone, tablet or camera) and editing laptop. This is A #BuySingLit Programme.