Handling media during crisis.

I completed a media training for Global Energy International Ltd last Dec (2013). The training covered the following two modules:

Module #1: Media & News Training

A. Enabling participants to gain understanding of news media

B. Develop basic interview skills

C. Learn tips and know-how to handle difficult interview questions with confidence. 

D. Bridging TV interviews to company's objectives

E. Master the art of giving 30 secs soundbytes for News Interviews

Module #2: Communications during Crisis

A. Craft (and slant) appropriate replies to the press and social media platforms

B. Avenues to Engage the Public / Media

C. Learn tips for crafting post-crisis press release

The Written Language of Crisis Communication (Content – what Legal allows you to say, how to state facts, how to manage emotions, how much to say)      

D. Bridging replies to company's position in the crisis

The Spoken Language of Crisis Communication (How to craft statements for interviews.)

Its a full-day course for senior management. Together with Christine Chung, one of our Media Trainers, we prepare participants with realistic crisis scenarios and how they can face the media.

Yes, you never know when a crisis can hit your company/organisation and it is always good to be media-ready.

Do let me know if you discuss any media training for your staff. Or click here for more information.

Have a great long weekend ahead everyone!