
I know media because I have been in it since I was 16! That's 29 years ago and I never stop learning. Read more here link at

When it comes to the media, I have two passions: Knowing the Malay/Muslim market & Understanding what the clients need.

I live and breathe the issues and the values that are important to the community, always keeping a step ahead and in-tuned with the times. This means that I can assist to intimately develop customised advertising and marketing campaigns with messaging that captures the attention and, more importantly, wins the hearts of your target in the Malay and Muslim community. Read more about Malay Media Experts.

Build your own Media team

Why not build your own Media team in your company? I enjoy coaching a team and turning them into a media-savvy workforce.

In the long run, a company with a strong media team will be able to reduce its dependency on big-budget media campaigns and engage the public with fresh video contents.

These are some of the things I can help you with:

  • set up & train your media unit/team
  • guide your staff to produce broadcast quality videos in-house.
  • train your staff how to host their own videos and handle TV interviews for public and social media.
  • advise video initiatives for your social media engagements

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