Today my daughter, Qasrina, showed me a link from She said, "Look, Ayah, someone is helping a migrant worker take his photo infront of Singapore’s landmarks. The migrant worker has never been able to do it himself properly on his phone. The person who helped him used a professional camera to do it."
I remember saying, "Oh wow, that is so generous of him to offer that."
My daughter continued, "Wait, Ayah, look at the guy who is helping the migrant worker."
"OMG that's Rifqi!"
Rifqi is my nephew, and the first thing I did was to text him and his father (my younger brother, Hairi) to say how proud I am to see such a kind act.
Rifqi uploaded the whole experience in his TikTok video below.
@mdrifqisol Must be tough for him especially during this pandemic as he can’t go back to visit his family 😔 Happy to see him happy 😌
♬ original sound - okhun
This was not his first video that got a lot of attention on TikTok. Rifqi's first viral video garnered 7.6M views and I was told that many wanted to take up a diploma after watching Rifqi's video.
@mdrifqisol Doing this trend but on livestream 😎 ##graduation @nanyangpolytechnic
♬ Body - Russ Millions & Tion Wayne
I asked Hairi (Rifqi's dad) about his reaction to his son's kind act. He said, "I was pleasantly shocked and elated at the same time that he's willingly giving back to society with no questions asked when that opportunity was presented to him, in this case, to the migrant worker. I was so grateful that he grabbed this opportunity to advocate the culture of giving, which he was inspired by his successful role models from young.”
Rifqi and his dad, Muhd Hairi Mohamad
“I used to share with him (many years back) one of your (Sujimy) main intentions that drives you daily in your success journey is to help others.
I realised his interest was in media since young through the many homemade videos of his hobbies and family outings. I fully supported him when he mentioned that he wanted to pursue media. He was constantly reminded to surround himself with positive people and activities online and offline to use his skill to benefit others. "
I asked Hairi what did he say to Rifqi. He replied, "I told him to be happy being a giver."
Muhd Rifqi Solihin has always been interested in photography and video-making. Over the years, he asked me for many insights into content creation. I was glad he decided to pursue this dream of making digital content and photography a reality.
From Rifqi’s IG
I asked if Rifqi would take the content-creator job seriously in the future, and to this, he replied, "Yes. My main intention to be a content creator is to help and benefit society in any means possible. I was first inspired to push out as a content creator when my graduation vid went viral. I didn't realise I inspired many to pursue their diploma and degree or any other dreams with just a simple trending video. After reading the comments under that video, I felt that I have a job to continue to inspire others. I've always believed that my passion one day will help anyone from all sorts of life, and I will continue to do that to make sure I've played a part in making an impact on our current society ;)."
I'm just so proud of what Rifqi did. I know it meant a lot to the migrant worker to have his pictures professionally taken. I'm sure he is sharing these beautiful photos of him in Singapore with his family back home. This simple and kind gesture from our young Singaporean and his friends gave me a lot of hope and a good feeling that we still have many out there willing to go out of their ways to help others.
Rifqi, you made my day.
Rifqi’s family. Photo from my brother Muhd Hairi Mohamad