Change is good

This photo was taken this morning when I went marketing with my wife. My trolley used to have loads of junk food and frozen packets of food.

But today, my trolley is looking different and it  marks 2 years of a change in diet for me. I used to take fried food - a lot! I loved french fries, deep fried fish and chicken. I also had a sweet tooth loving desserts more than my main meals. On top of that, I also didn’t take my meals regularly because I was too busy and I fed myself junk food.  Though I was exercising, I didn’t watch my diet and I would fall sick every 2 weeks . Then one day,  an acute case of acid reflux got me to the hospital. I then decided to change ‘cold turkey’. I switched to 70% plant-based diet immediately.  I felt really weak for the first 10 days simply because I was naturally detoxing. It was tough but I persevered.  After 10 days I felt my body rebooted and I could run many miles! I felt lighter and healthier. Never forgot that day.

It feels good to be able to have more energy to attend to family and business daily demands. Most importantly, I do not fall sick so often anymore. My experience shows how important food is in our health quotient. 60% food 40% exercise. I just want to thank my wife @haslindaalifitfab for helping me giving me great tasting superfood that helped me achieve a healthy diet everyday. Fresh whole food and regular eating cured my reflux and juicing killed my sweet tooth. My tastebuds have been rebooted and reset to natural taste. I have learnt my lesson the hard way. Hope you all don’t have to!