Time to plan.

I know. It has been awhile.

Thought I update you on what I’m up to.

My company is now looking forward to some of the exciting developments in the TV market locally and abroad. If you have TV content that can travel, you ought to be excited about how these programmes can get an overseas audience. Do you know that you can also get assistance to market these programmes abroad? Just go here to know more.

Our TV collaboration with Dua M (Najib Ali) is also shaping nicely. We hope we can get this factual programme off the ground soon. It has been exciting to see the true Najib Ali working. Off screen, Najib is a force to be reckoned with. Other than being creative at what he does, Najib wants to see something truly FRESH happening in the Malay TV scene. Something I share and totally support. Like me, he is looking at something we all can contribute as a group of creative individuals. Something we can do together. Keyword here is TOGETHER. No more working alone! Let’s make it happen guys!

I am also very excited about our new TV show that is brewing right now. We are developing Singapore’s first Maths Nanny TV show! I will give you guys more information soon on how you can participate in this programme.

In the meantime, I hope you are having a good start to your week.

Blog again soon.