Note from Paris

I’m writing this blog from Paris. I’m at the airport actually en route to Nice where I will be attending MIPTV (Cannes). I have few hours to spare.

Its 11 degrees Celsius here and its raining cold. Its quite interesting to navigate in Paris Charles De Gaulle airport. The last time I was here, they don’t prefer to talk to you in English. Now I see the airport staff helping people in the English language. Phew. And the only FREE wifi spot is in McDonald’s restaurant. Else, you have to pay to get online.

The reason why I am here:

I am attending MIPTV to meet potential broadcasters and production partners internationally. ScreenBox has interesting TV proposals to pitch and I certainly hope the international community will bite.

If you are a TV content maker, you must attend such event. It will open your eyes to the TV business.

See you guys in a week.