New Office New Spirit

I just moved office. Though we are still sorting out some inventory and other storage stuff, I must say it gave me a new-found spirit. This month, Screenbox is 10 years old and moving to a new office seemed a great way to start a new decade.

Looking back, we have actually done a lot and achieved more than what we asked for. All Praises to Allah for all this.

We started a 2-person company doing very small job. So small that no one knows what we can do.

But one TV programme changed everything for us – Kau Istimewa (You’re Special). This documentary featured extraordinary people with extraordinary challenges. The programme was developed for Islamic Council of Singapore, Muis, to help its effort to collect Zakat (tithe). It was aired on Mediacorp TV12 (Suria). The programme successfully branded the zakat campaign and won us 2 International Awards in the United States.

I still have fond memories conceptualising the TV programme. Not many people know that I got the idea in the wee hours – 2 o’clock in the morning – it’s the best time to format an idea you know! Once I got the title right, everything just flow. The docu-drama got viewers’ heart and support. Till today, I still have viewers requesting to be connected to some of the case profiles we featured in the show.

10 years later, ScreenBox grew to produce TV shows for numerous channels locally and internationally in numerous platforms and languages.

I’m looking forward to greater things in ScreenBox and very excited in our next journey.

I want to thank my team, all our supporters, fans, clients and broadcast partners for being there all these years. Without you, we won’t have the same great journey.

Have a great new year ahead